Lest We Forget : The murder of Dr David Kelly













David Halpin reacts after a judge refuses his case for a judicial review of the UK gov’s decision to refuse to re-open the inquest into Dr David Kelly’s death. Interviewed by Hassan Ghani.

CSI – David Kelly’s fate was sealed at a meeting in London on May 29, a week after his first meeting with Andrew Gilligan on May 22. Alastair Campbell was identified as the person responsible for including the 45-minute WMD deployment claim issued by Tony Blair.

Blair, Scarlett and Campbell all denied that the dossier was dodgy.

Interview with Retired Surgeon David Halpin (Dr David Kelly case)


Tony Blair blocked coroner’s inquest into death of Dr David Kelly ‘within minutes’ of body being found, explosive new book claims

Further Study
Many Dark Actors

universal jurisdiction SN05422.pdf