Trade V Commerce

Trade V Commerce






As folks become aware of the difference between the flesh and blood Man (Biblical) and the fictitious Person (Commercial), a clear picture is formed from which you can recognise the division as it operates against you from top down.

As we have come to understand, the world of Man operating under Legal Title, is a realm divided up into individual paradigms they call jurisdictions, each being a separate entity determined on the Maxims under which each division is limited. We have understood that there is a paradigm for Man, taken from the Biblical lore and other jurisdictions for the creation of the Legal Person which is a dead fictitious entity.

A trade between two people is just that, an exchange of goods and or services between two people. 
A trade in Commerce has the original exchange but with added fees and costs accrued by the parasite who has persuaded you to include all its costs into your trade with another.[1]

We can better see this division if we take stock of the fact, a Man carries out Trade, as one jurisdiction and the fiction carries out Commerce, again as its own jurisdiction, or :

  1. Trade is business between unincorporated businesses and people.
  2. Commerce is business between incorporated businesses.

Commerce denotes this split, this duality of a Man. The secondary entity is the Hu-Man or a secondary lesser example of a Man is created. Hu is defined as Colour and so the hu-man is only a colour of Man, not the real Man.

Trade creates a shared risk between the parties and as reward they receive a shared renumeration.

Commerce operates through loans and credit but there is no shared risk in this arrangement, if things go bad it is you who will lose possessions and property.

When an unincorporated entity does business with an incorporated business, outside its own border, because there is a mixing of jurisdictions the transactions are said to be within the realm of ‘International Trade’. Trade being of flesh and blood Man, always trumps Commerce which deals with dead Trusts/Persons. Therefore when you mix the two the ‘Trade’ jurisdiction trumps the dead commerce jurisdiction.

It is not until two ‘Incorporated’ entities carry out Trade with each other, outside its own borders, that the jurisdiction changes to International Commerce, because both the entities being Incorporated, keeps everything in the world of the dead. (Osiris.) Life is removed from the transaction and so efficiency becomes the Maxim to secure Profit.

A Man trades with another Man/Woman and the rules are made by the Men/Women involved, a Corporation engages in Commerce with other Corporations and is subject to the rules of Commerce issued by the banks. That includes many extras not otherwise included in the normal man to Man exchange of goods and services, when you go the road of commerce you are paying for activities incurred through banking, insurance, advertising, transportation, warehousing, etc, and presented as a complement of the exchange.

In essence it is the many extras demanded by commerce that keeps the asset-less tier of the service beast alive, as it rides on the back of our energy like a parasitic vampire and skims off what is a simple agreement between parties. They do this in our domestic system, they introduce themselves, Legally, as a middle man between the tax we pay and how it comes back to the taxpayer as a service, the result in all cases produces the fact of the matter, we pay more tax and get less service.

But it is not just the additional fees or costs that come with the change of jurisdiction from Trade to Commerce, they change the definitions of titles which shifts the Creditor and Debtor roles to remove real property from the earth jurisdiction into the jurisdiction of water. Alchemy in action.

It is through the initial consent offered up to the commercial state in the use of the Birth Certificate as your ID, that you have unwittingly stepped out of your flesh and blood jurisdiction into the jurisdiction of the Incorporated entity, the jurisdiction of Commerce. However this does not prevent you from invoking the highest jurisdiction available to you, the jurisdiction of the Biblical Man. (Unfortunately over the last century the very doctrine that would protect us has been removed from the study pile.)

We can apply this division to everything we hold as a part of our nation, as example, we thought that because we put money in the bank it was therefore our money, under the rules of Trade it is, but under the rules of Commerce it is not. The end result of this deception is the bank Bail In.

The principle went live in the United Kingdom, (the corporation) December 2012.

[1] Key Differences between Trade and Commerce
Trade is selling and buying of goods and services between two or more parties in consideration of cash and cash equivalents. Commerce includes the exchange of goods and services along with activities that also generate a fee such as banking, insurance, advertising, transportation, warehousing, etc., which commerce claims does complement the exchange.

Trade is a narrow term that merely includes the selling and buying whereas commerce is a wider term that includes exchange as well as the several revenues generating activities that complete the exchange.

Trade is generally done to satisfy the need of both the seller and the buyer which is more of a social perspective. Whereas the commerce is more economical in nature because of the involvement of several parties whose primary aim is to generate the revenue.

Trade is generally a single time transaction between the parties that may or may not reoccur. Whereas in commerce the transactions are regular and occur again and again.

The trade involves two parties the seller and the buyer who facilitates the exchange without employing anyone in between. Whereas in commerce exchange is done with the support of several departments thereby giving them employment opportunities.

Trade provides a link between the seller and the buyer, the direct parties involved in the exchange. Whereas the commerce provides a link between manufacturer and the ultimate customer, who are not direct parties, with the help of several aides of distribution.

Trade represents both the side of demand and supply where both the parties know what is demanded and what is to be supplied. Whereas in commerce only the demand side is known i.e. what is demanded in the market and then making that available through various channels of distribution.

Trade requires more capital because the stock has to be kept ready that is entitled to the sale and also the cash has to be kept ready for the immediate payment. Whereas in commerce the capital required is less because there are different parties.

Ask yourself who are those demanding a cut of your cash and if you don’t play along the same label you  criminal? Commerce installing itself over trade, then think electronic currency and watch this :



The Poet

Further Study
In Profile : G-SIFI Total Corporate Dictatorship Directed By The Bank Of England
Considerations On The Role Of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), IMF
Understanding Jurisdiction
British Law