War, Lithium and the Clean Energy Reset

Lithium became the root of the cold war situation in having both the Soviet Union and the United States of America in the race to procure the most devastating nuclear weapons. From 1947 until 1989 this arms race would see the United States create some 40.000 warheads while the Soviet Union produced 32.000, and as we understand today, many of these tests some 1747 in all, on both sides, left a serious Ague in all areas they were tested.

5G, nano particles and the Space X satellite network

Number of satellites expected to be put into low and high orbit for the 5G network will be 20,000, not for the public but against the public. When we consider the 5G platform and all its abilities in yoking the global population to the technocratic mainframe, we must also consider the effects microwave radiation has on metals such as aluminium, barium, copper, iron, and many other metal nano particles that have already been thrust into the biology of the earth’s inhabitants. When the 5G network is operational, heralds the time that your phone becomes the amplifier of radiation frequencies to excite all those metals in your body. 

NVIDIA release a 2 petaflop AI supercomputer (model DGX-2)

NVIDIA has shocked the world by releasing a 2 petaflop AI supercomputer (model DGX-2) for the mere price of $399,000. A petaflop is one quadrillion numerical calculations per second, and is represented by 10 followed by 15 zeros. By comparison, the fastest supercomputer in the world can process at 125 petaflops, and costs tens of millions. Moore’s law is now dead.

Bitcoin, fiat currency, central banks and the final deception from the banking cartel

How the crypto currencies are the carrot the banking cartel offer to birth the global electronic currency. Moving to kill the Dollar. The conjuring trick is to replace our system of private bank-created money  which equates to around 97 Percent of the money supply — with state-created money. All appears to be well until you look a little closer and recognise the fact there is a serious deception going on here, because today, what they call the state, is in fact a state made up of central bank corporations hiding behind charitable status for all the secrecy and unaccountability the aid platform offers. Ergo, what they today call the state, is the Central Banking systems physical body, the global net of corporations. There are no sovereign states anymore today, the corporate state that controls all nations ‘IS’ the central banking cartel.

Privatised NHS, not a good idea with the concerns of physician’s in the United States

In the U.S the real agenda behind the health insurance plan is a problem for the physician’s, they do not like the future it offers. It is no real secret that the National Health Service in the U.K is undergoing the final stages of its privatisation. The taxpayers bound to the extortionate rents for the hospital sites, to such giants as Balfour Beaty, the intention is they are here to stay and the taxpayer will pick up the rent, having paid already for the construction of the buildings.

In Profile : The Bee Hive Symbolism in Freemasonry

Understanding today through the symbolism of the beehive, as understood by the elect of Freemasonry and all brethren’s and fraternities. it is clear, we have all the main religions claiming to be acting for god while acting in the manner of their very well described antagonist. Is it any wonder we are as we are today, standing on the precipice of total conflict because of ignorance to the facts of doctrine. Today we are dragged into hell through convenience, it is very convenient to have others do all the literary work so one can follow, but it is time today that people carry out the due diligence when it comes to belonging to a fraternity, because what they actually represent as a hive mind set, is not what they present to its members.

Modern warfare strategy against the populations coordinated by the Bilderberg Steering Committee

The weapons system being built all around us is one not yet seen by the public. It is real and deadly, steered by the Bilderberg meetings. Two documents reveal the immensity of the unknown war, one titled, Silent Weapons for Quite Wars, May 1979, and a second presented only two months before 911 titled, NASA document The Future of War, July 2001. Open yourself up to this merry tale and you can see it all around you.