Symbolism : Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry










8 November 2016

So if we examine the idea that the Templars after their meetings with the Hermetic Sufis the Brethren of Sincerity (sex magic) through the period in which Crusade was active, that after their own troubles in Europe would go onto to shift their esotericism into another Sufi based doctrine, Rosicrucianism, and became the physical military wing of the builders of the temple, then Freemasonry post Sabbatean and then Illuminati pyramidal infiltration, must be seen as another physical representation of the Templar network building the Temple of Solomon for the hubris, greed and avarice of the hidden Royalty.

Insight into the meaning of the present and past symbol for Freemasonry by Miles Mathis.

By letters four and science five, this “G” aright doth stand, in due Art and Proportion; you have your answer, friend.


Further Study
What was the character of King Solomon and who is rebuilding his temple?
Books of Interest : The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Society of Jesus