The God Belinus : House of Judah take power in Britain

Bel Belenos Belanus Belinus Beli Mawr Sun god magical recipes online spell beltane

14 February 2016

In the following thesis we investigate the origins of the shift from the Matriarchal system to that of the Patriarchal system specific to Britain and the tale of the patriarchs of the Old Testament which has links to the Egyptian pantheons of Hyksos-Egyptian dynasties.

If we are to understand how the battle between the twins of the House of Judah; Phrez and Zerah play out on the lands of Britain then we must shift to a time some 400BC and the arrival of the Belgae.[1]
The Belgae according to Robert Graves found within an reply to an Academic critique of his book, The White Goddess, has this to say :

That the Danaans are middle Bronze Age Pelasgians. I did not use the uncritical term middle Bronze Age which he ascribes to me, but adopted the perfectly orthodox view that Pelasgians means Sea-People, and the perfectly orthodox identification of the Danuna, who belonged to the sea-federation that invaded Syria about the year 1200 BC, with the Aegean Danaans.[2]

Robert Graves so upset the world of Academia with his book The White Goddess, it has to be taken very seriously indeed. Out of the reach of many people on account of its hard read, due to the mass of information and diversity of mythos, requiring a hardened will to absorb copious amounts of language over a long period of time. Time of course under the Patriarchal system we have today is not a luxury the majority have as they utilise all their energies to the acquirement of good old cash to survive.
Missed by history on account of the fact the world of Academia placing the kings pre-Roman invasion as mythical kings and not without good reason when one considers their need for secrecy in order their long stayed secret work of the ages remains hidden until they have succeeded in entwining the world with the serpent of their making. We are at that time presently and as such we are also at the time of revelation.

In 1974 Guy Raglan Phillips discovered a network of alignments in an area of northern England called in ancient times Brigantia, Gary Biltcliffe in his book The Belinus Line presents images :

Belinus Line
Belinus Line

red-belinus-line 2

In Robert Graves book The White Goddess he presents a timeline from which the lands known as the Great White Island, Albion, became the battleground leading to an empire of such immense size that history had to deceive the future generations that Britain truly was the new Jerusalem heralding as her King the line to which the future Jesus would be born, that of Phrez from the House of Judah.[3]

For such a shift not only did there have to be a change in racial ethnicity, the usual consequence of invasions, there had to be a  shift in alphabet leaving the old Matriarchal system alphabet presented as a nature religion in its use of the trees to that of the Patriarchs and that of the Torah (Old Testament) which the Belgae would bring with them to Cornwall centuries after the Trojan Brutus landed it is said in Devon. With that in mind it is no surprise that the Belgae would not so much invade, but more in tune with hopping over to yet another territory held by the House of Judah, Cornwall.

Phoenician heritage to Cornwall is no secret, yet many claim Cornwall only to have been a point of trade for the Phoenicians and not presenting the reality at least from 400BC that Cornwall was a kingdom and the point at which the story of England as the New Jerusalem would begin, and I ask you note, in direct contradiction to the current script put forward by those claiming to have the Templar knowledge with the claim Joseph of Arimathea brought a child of Jesus to Glastonbury.

In order we can follow the story correctly we need a good understanding of the meaning to the battle of the Trees, for that we turn again to Graves :

It seems then that Beli was originally a Willow-god, a divinatory son of Belili, but became the God of Light, and that in fourth-century B.C. Britain, at the Cad Goddeu, his power was invoked by his son Amathaon as a means of supplanting Bran of the alder, whose counterpart had perhaps been similarly supplanted in Palestine. At the same time Gwydion of the ash supplanted Arawn, another divinatory god whose tree is not known.[4]

The Battle of the Trees therfore was a point at which one pantheon of gods were supplanted by a new :
The powers of the gods were continually being redefined. The Greek god Apollo, for instance, seems to have begun as the demon of a mouse fraternity[5] in pre-Aryan totemistic Europe; he gradually rose in divine rank by force of arms, blackmail and fraud, until he became the patron of music, poetry, and the arts, and finally in some regions at least, ousted his father, Zeus, from the serenity of the universe by identifying himself with Belenus the intellectual god of light.[6]

Apollo of course was the god to whom Troy was in patronage and given the Trojans claim and it appears to ring true, they are of the tribe of Judah.[7]

In response to criticism of his book The White Goddess, Graves had this to say :

Beli, or Belenus, was an early British Sun god, as doctor Daniel will not have the temerity to deny.[8]
In discussion of an ancient tradition of Briton and the ‘Battle of the Trees’ ( The Cad Goddeu),[9] we learn that Bel worship was already present yet not perhaps looked upon in the same way as the Bel of Babylon, having morphed quite a few times before reaching even the Isles of Albion, Graves says :
The Cad Goddeu can perhaps be explained as the expulsion of a long established bronze age priesthood from the national Necropolis by an alliance of agricultural tribesman, long settled in Britain and worshippers of the Dannan god Bel Beli Belus or Belenus, with an invading Brythonic tribe.[10]
Further evidence of the fact, Bel in Old Briton should not be seen as the same deity as that worshipped in Babylon comes in the following extract again from the White Goddess :

The ultimate origin of the god Beli is uncertain, but if we identify the British Belin or Beli with Belus the father of Danaus (as Nennius does), then we can further identify his with Bel, the Babylonian Earth god, one of a male trinity, who succeeded to the tiles of a far more ancient Mesopotamian deity, the mother of Danae as opposed to the father of Danaus.

This was Belili, the Sumerian white goddess, Ishtar’s predecessor, who was a goddess of trees as well as a moon goddess, love goddess and underworld goddess. She was a sister and lover to Du’uzu, or Tammuz, the corn god and pomegranate god.

From her name derives the familiar biblical expression sons of Belial the jews have characteristically altered the none Semitic name Belial into the Semitic Beliy waal (from which one comes not up again, i.e. the underworld)-meaning Sons of Destruction.

The Slavonic word Beli meaning white and the Latin Belus meaning beautiful are also ultimately connected with her name. originally every tree was hers, and the Goidelic bile, sacred tree,  the medieval Latin Billa and Billus, branch, branch of tree, and the English Billet are all recollections of her name. above all, she was a willow goddess and goddess of wells and springs.
The willow was of great importance in the worship of Jehovah at Jerusalem, and the great day of the feast of Tabernaccles, a fire and water ceremony, was called the day of willows.

Though Elder and willow are not differentiated in Hebrew-they are of the same family-Tanaitic tradition, dating from before the destruction of the Temple, prescribed that the red twigged willow with lanceolate leaves, ie. The purple osier, should be the sort used in the thyrsus, quince and willow carried during the Feast; if none were attainable, then the round leaved willow, ie the sallow or palm, might be used, but the variety with toothed leaves, ie the elder, was forbidden-presumably because it was uses in idolatrous rites in honour of Astarte and her son the Fire god.[11]

What this means is that in order to implement the Patriarchal system, the roles had to shift, under the matriarchal system the Queen as the representation of The White Goddess, held the lands, she then chose her warrior husband who would protect those lands, this was the matriarchal system.
In order to shift to the Patriarchal system these roles had to be reversed as decreed by the Egyptian pantheons, morphed in Babylon to form the Torah. Thus in the battle of the Trees the Torah was victorious and replaced the old ways with that we exist within today.

To help you better understand what I have presented thus far, we look again at Robert Graves :
To summarise in a rough-and-ready fashion, the book’s argument is that in late prehistoric times, throughout Europe and the Middle East, matriarchal cultures, worshipping a supreme Goddess and recognising male gods only as her son, consort or sacrificial victim, were subordinated by aggressive proponents of patriarchy who deposed women from their positions of authority, elevated the Goddess’s male consorts into positions of divine supremacy and reconstructed myths and rituals to conceal what had taken place. This patriarchal conquest happened at various times, beginning in the second millennium BC and reaching Britain around 400 BC. True poetry (inspired by the Muse and her prime symbol, the moon) even today is a survival, or intuitive re-creation, of the ancient Goddess-worship. Moreover, her cult and the matriarchy that went with it represented a saner and happier mode of human existence than the patriarchy of the male God and his sun-inspired rationality, which have produced most of the ills of the modern world.[12]

Robert Graves has given insight through his inspired grasp on the ancient mythos as to the time when the chess game of the House of Judah would enter the British Isles, at least that is as the theatre of its war, but there is more to the story which ties in the god Jehovah to Britain as far back as the immediate post flood period.

Though it is not the aim to investigate beyond 400BC in this thesis, as it is clear to my mind that the history of the empire we have suffered well, takes off after the death of Dunvallo Molmutius, a study of its merits must be the order of the day.[13]

All Change
We now reach the point at which all things in Southern Britain would change according to Celtic and indeed Roman accounts of the land called Albion,
Dunvallo Molmutius (Welsh: Dyfnwal Moelmud) was a legendary king of the Britons as accounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth. He was the son of Cloten, the King of Cornwall, and he restored order after the “Civil War of the Five Kings”. He and his descendants were of a sub-branch of the genealogical line of Brutus, the dominant line having ended with Porrex I before the civil war.

Dunvallo was the King of Cornwall during the war created in the power vacuum left by Porrex I. He was braver and more courageous than all the other kings in the war. He defeated Pinner, the king of Loegria. In response, Rudaucus, king of Cambria, and Staterius, king of Albany, allied together and destroyed much of Dunvallo’s land. The two sides met in battle and were stalemated. Dunvallo then took 600 of his men and himself and dressed themselves in the armour of the dead enemies. They led a charge deep into enemy lines where they killed the two kings. After this battle, Dunvallo destroyed the remaining defenses of the kings and pillaged their lands.

Following the defeat of the rival kings, Dunvallo created a crown like that of his predecessors and claimed the throne of Britain. He created a set of rules for the kingdom called the Molmutine Laws which lasted for many centuries. Also, robbery throughout the kingdom nearly ended for fear of Dunvallo and his laws. He reigned in peace and prosperity for forty years then died and was buried in the Temple of Concord, a tribute to his laws, which resided in Trinovantum. His death sparked another civil war between his two sons, Belinus and Brennius.

In Dunvallo Molmutius we have the origins of British common law, known as the Molmutine Laws,[14] but the story really gets off the ground through his two feuding sons Belinus[14] and Brennius.[15]
We arrive at the point where the House of Judah through Dunvallo and his two sons Belinus and Brennius begin to formulate an empire so vast for its time that such an influence from these two feuding brothers had not only and effect on these Isles, but in Norway, Denmark, Gaul, Rome, Germany, and Delphi, as such it is also the point at which the Patriarchal system set forth in Egypt through Babylon and on to the Middle East could be seen to be active in Britain. 

Supremacy of the New Nobility (287-133 BC)
The great accomplishment of the Hortensian Law was in that it deprived the patricians of their last weapon over the plebeians. Thus, the last great political question of the earlier era had been resolved. As such, no important political changes would occur between 287 BC and 133 BC.[16] The critical laws of this era were still enacted by the senate.[17]In effect, the plebeians were satisfied with the possession of power, but did not care to use it. The senate was supreme during this era because the era was dominated by questions of foreign and military policy.[18] This was the most militarily active era of the Roman Republic.

The final decades of this era saw a worsening economic situation for many plebeians. The long military campaigns had forced citizens to leave their farms to fight, only to return to farms that had fallen into disrepair. The landed aristocracy began buying bankrupted farms at discounted prices. As commodity prices fell, many farmers could no longer operate their farms at a profit.[19]The result was the ultimate bankruptcy of countless farmers. Masses of unemployed plebeians soon began to flood into Rome, and thus into the ranks of the legislative assemblies. Their economic state usually led them to vote for the candidate who offered the most for them. A new culture of dependency was emerging, which would look to any populist leader for relief.[20]

It is clear in the above paragraph relating to the supremacy of the new nobility that hand in hand with them comes war and conquest, whereas pre 390 and the entrance of Brennius, Rome was not overly concerned in war save for the protection of the assembly of the tribes and their lands. This new nobility had slowly gained its power when the Senate did require their services in military matters as it would be the Plebians expected to fight and as early as 494 BC, the city was at war with two neighbouring tribes. The plebeian soldiers refused to march against the enemy, and instead seceded to the Aventine Hill. The plebeians demanded the right to elect their own officials. The patricians agreed, and the plebeians returned to the battlefield.[21]

Undermining regimes via infiltration through marriage we know to have been a major strategy throughout history, to achieve in this manner they also had to position themselves amongst the ranks of the elite of the regime and did so as soldiers and men at arms, in the first instant, and usually for victories on behalf of the elite the same would generally be given lands by a grateful Senator or Nobleman. Taking into consideration the manner of Brennius and the fact he took Rome in 390BC, then the proceeding years leading up to the time 287BC some 97 years in total, would be ample time for Brennius to have implemented such a strategy leading ultimately to full takeover under the new Nobility of warlords.

Such a play would then beg the question; was Julius Caesar repositioning Rome away from he influence set forth by the Brennius nobility?
Did Cartimandua Queen of the Brigantes continue an agreement made by her predecessor said to be around 40AD with Rome that she to could ensure the Patriarchal system of Judah was not the power in the Brigantes?

Such a move would have ensured the power of the matriarch would have a place within the Patriarchal age through the church of Rome, renamed as the holy mother, or the White Goddess making her claim into the next age?

The next question would be…. why are the majority of Celtic peoples today Catholics?

Constantine was based in York, the place of the legions when he was named Augustus, or Caesar in waiting. Constantine went with a British army to take his seat at the throne of Rome.

Given Constantine’s time in Britain and the fact Cartimandua as the last representative of the matriarchal system then it is not without possibility that he and perhaps his mother synchronised with the White Goddess of Albion.
So what does all this suggest?
We know the Phoenicians had a stake in Cornwall some 3000 years BC, Bristol being their main south western port. Britain is an Island, as such all foreign adventurers would always land at the coast. Naturally only those with the ability to navigate the seas would be in the position to set up trade centres within the limits of their vessels ability to traverse the oceans. The Phoenicians as history shows were just such a race.

Given we are speaking of the House of Judah then the Phoenicians must have had serious connections with Egypt as they would bring forth the Patriarchs depicted in the Old Testament which appear to be Egyptian Hyksos transformed into a new pantheon today known as the Twelve tribes of Israel. Like it or not, it would appear that few of us in the west should we trace our ancestry, will one way or another find they tie into these tribes. That being so, the battles between the twins of the House of Judah, being only one of the tribes of Israel, presents the reality that one tribe has managed to monopolise not only temporal power but spiritual power as overlords to the remaining tribes, One ring controls the others so to speak.

With this reality having been accomplished then both sides of the way to exist must again have representation in the new and it appears the House of Judah was the chosen tribe in which the battle of light and dark would once again act its play, and from the twins of Darda, Phrez and Zerah we have just such a symbolic battle.

As for Britain and the commencement of an overt empire from these shores I find it interesting such a reality comes after the Battle of the Trees, which according to mythos was more a battle of alphabets, the consequence of which began the removal of the Matriarchal system to be replaced with the Patriarchal Egyptian system transformed in Babylon by the levite priests, or a shift from the spoken word to that of the written word, culminating in the penned Old Testament, the backdrop to the religion of the Male.

Though we can follow the House of Judah in Britain with some degree of accuracy, such realms as that under Queen Cartimandua in the Brigantes still remained under the matriarchal system that is until a schism whereby Cartimandua divorced her warrior husband and married his man at arms with disastrous consequences for the realm and in parallel with the Arthur and Guinevere.
Cartimandua handed over the rebel Caractacus to the Roman Army.

[1] That the Begae invaded Britain in 400 BC, and that their God was the [Celto-Teutonic] Gwydion [alias Woden, or Odin] and that the ash [Ydgrasill] was sacred to him. The first of these fancies is to be found in almost every modern text-book of British prehistory, though so late a date as 180 BC is sometimes postulated; the second has the weighty authority of Professor Sir John Rhys; the third, Dr. Daniel should have learned in the nursery. Robert Graves The White Goddess p.485

[2] Sir, Dr. Glyn E. Daniel, reviewing my White Goddess and misled by its unpedantic style into thinking that I have taken no trouble to check my facts, lists among the fancies so extravagant and improbable as to cease to be amusing the following: (1) That the Danaans are middle Bronze Age Pelasgians. I did not use the uncritical term middle Bronze Age which he ascribes to me, but adopted the perfectly orthodox view that Pelasgians means Sea-People, and the perfectly orthodox identification of the Danuna, who belonged to the sea-federation that invaded Syria about the year 1200 BC, with the Aegean Danaans. Since my book was in print Professor Garstang has published an account in The Times of a newly discovered Danuna city in Asia Minor, with inscriptions in what is thought to be the Canaanitish language, and connects the Danuna (as I do) with Danaus, the eponymous tribal hero of the Danaans who came from Africa by way of Palestine and Rhodes long before the Trojan War.
[3] Darda, Phrez, Zerah and the House of Judah
[4] Robert Graves The White Goddess, page 54
[5] Apollo and the Mouse
[6] Robert Graves The White Goddess p.10
[7] Apollo shot arrows infected with the plague into the Greek encampment during the Trojan War in retribution for Agamemnon’s insult to Chryses, a priest of Apollo whose daughter Chryseis had been captured. He demanded her return, and the Achaeans complied, indirectly causing the anger of Achilles, which is the theme of the Iliad. In the Iliad, when Diomedes injured Aeneas, Apollo rescued him. First, Aphrodite tried to rescue Aeneas but Diomedes injured her as well. Aeneas was then enveloped in a cloud by Apollo, who took him to Pergamos, a sacred spot in Troy. Apollo aided Paris in the killing of Achilles by guiding the arrow of his bow into Achilles’ heel. One interpretation of his motive is that it was in revenge for Achilles’ sacrilege in murdering Troilus, the god’s own son by Hecuba, on the very altar of the god’s own temple.
[8] Robert Graves The White Goddess p.485-6
[9] Cad Goddeu (English: The Battle of the Trees)[ii] is a medieval Welsh poem preserved in the 14th-century manuscript known as the Book of Taliesin. The poem refers to a traditional story in which the legendary enchanter Gwydion animates the trees of the forest to fight as his army. The poem is especially notable for its striking and enigmatic symbolism and the wide variety of interpretations this has occasioned.
[ii] For it has already been shown that the Battle of the Trees was fought between the White Goddess (‘the woman’) for whose love the god of the waxing year and of the waning year were rivals, and ‘the man’, Immortal Apollo, or Beli, who challenged her power. In other words, the sacred name IEVOA, or JIEVOAO its enlargement, revealed by Amathaon to Gwydion and used as a means of routing Bran, was the name of the Fivefold Goddess Danu. This was a name in which Bran could claim to speak oracularly from her kingdom of Dis, as one who had had intimate experience of each of her five persons by being born to her, initiated by her, becoming her lover, being lulled to sleep by her, and finally killed by her. The new name of eight letters which replaced it was Beli-Apollo’s own, not shared with the White Goddess, and it was therefore conveniendy forgotten by later mythographers that the original one belonged to Bran, or Q’re, or Iahu, only by virtue of his birth, marriage and death under female auspices. Professor Sturtevant, expert on the Hittites, translates Q’re as Karimni which means merely ‘to the god’; but, as Mr. E. M. Parr points out, El is both the common word for ‘god’ in Syria and a proper name for the oak-god El. He holds that other forms of this same word are Horus, or Qouros, a god of the island of Thera the Semitic form of Horus is Churu. The identity of Q’re is confused by the Gods Nergal and Marduk having also assumed the name (Qaru) : Marduk’s Amorites called him Gish Qaru, ‘Q’re of trees and herbs’, to identify him with Nergal, the God of Tuesday on which trees and herbs were first created. Robert Graves The White Goddess p. 341
[10] Robert Graves The White Goddess  p51.
[11] Robert Graves the White Goddess P.54
[12] From the introduction to Robert Graves The White Goddess, page ix-x.
[13] The Druid Dis in Britain
[13] Molmutine Laws
[14] Belinus
[15] Brennius

Supremacy of the new Nobility
[16] Abbott, 63
[17] Abbott, 65
[18] Abbott, 66
[19]Abbott, 77
[20] Abbott, 80
[21] Abbott, 28
Expanding the language ties through names :
For the Romanian commune called Bn in Hungarian, see Belin, Covasna.
In Celtic mythology, Bel, Belenos (also Belenus) was a deity worshipped in Gaul, Cisalpine Gaul, and Celtic areas of Austria, Britain and Spain. He is particularly associated with Cornwall, West Cornwall being anciently called Belerion, the place of Bel. He was the Celtic sun god and had shrines from Aquileia on the Adriatic to Kirkby Lonsdale in England.[1][2]
The etymology of the name is unclear. Suggestions include shining one,[3] the bright one[4] and henbane god.[5]

In the Roman period he was identified with Apollo.[1] There are currently 51 known inscriptions dedicated to Belenus, mainly concentrated in Aquileia and Cisalpine Gaul, but also extend into Gallia Narbonensis, Noricum, and far beyond.[4] Images of Belenus sometimes show him to be accompanied by a female, thought to be the Gaulish deity Belisama.[4]

In ancient Gaul and Britain, Apollo may have been equated with fifteen or more different Celtic names and epithets (notably Grannos, Borvo, Maponus, Moritasgus and others).[1] The legendary king Belenus in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain is probably also derived from this god. The name of the ancient British king Cunobelinus means hound of Belinos

An epithet of Belenus may have been Vindonnus. Apollo Vindonnus had a temple at Essarois near Chtillon-sur-Seine in Burgundy. The sanctuary was based on a curative spring. Part of the temple pediment survives, bearing an inscription to the god and to the spirit of the springs and, above it, the head of a radiate sun-deity. Many votive objects were brought to the shrine, some of oak, and some of stone. Some offerings take the form of images of hands holding fruit or a cake; others represent the parts of the body requiring a cure. In many cases the pilgrims appear to have suffered from eye afflictions.[6]

Teutorix has been suggested as an epithet of Belenus as borrowed into Germanic religion.
Name variants
Belanu, amongst the Ligurians Belanos Belemnus Belenos Belenus Belinos Belinu Belinus Bellinus Belus Belyn in Welsh Llywelyn, Belenus forms the root for the elyn in this compound Welsh name. 

[1] Nicole Jufer & Thierry Luginb¼hl (2001). Les dieux gaulois : rpertoire des noms de divinits celtiques connus par lpigraphie, les textes antiques et la toponymie. Paris: Editions Errance. ISBN 2-87772-200-7.
[2] Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB 611).
[3] Mythology – General Editor C. Scott ISBN 978-1-84483-061-9
[4] Koch, John T. (2006). Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, Inc. ISBN 1-85109-440-7.
[5] Peter Schrijver, On Henbane and Early European Narcotics, Zeitschrift fr celtische Philologie vol.51 (1999), pp.17-45
[6] Dictionary of Celtic Myth and Legend. Miranda Green. Thames and Hudson Ltd. London. 1997

Ancient deities of Gaul, Britain and Gallaecia by region
Alaunus, Alisanos, Andarta, Anextiomarus, Artio, Aveta, Belenus, Belisama, Borvo, Brigantia, Camulus, Cernunnos, Cicolluis, Cissonius, Condatis, Damona, Matrona, Dis Pater, Epona, Erecura, Esus, Genii Cucullati, Grannus, Ialonus Contrebis, Lenus, Litavis, Loucetios, Lugus, Maponos, Matres, Mogons, Nantosuelta, Ogmios, Rosmerta, Segomo, Sirona, Sucellus, Suleviae, Taranis, Toutatis, Virotutis, Visucius
Abandinus, Alaisiagae, Ancasta, Andraste, Belatu-Cadros, Britannia, Cocidius, Coventina, Iouga, Latis, Nodens, Ricagambeda, Satiada, Senua, Sulis, Verbeia, Veteris
Gallia Aquitania
Abellio, Fagus
Gallia Belgica
Abnoba, Ancamna, Arduinna, Arvernus, Icovellauna, Inciona, Intarabus, Iovantucarus, Ritona, Veraudunus, Vindonnus, Vosegus, Xulsigiae
Gallia Celtica
Anvallus, Atepomarus, Bricta, Icaunis, Luxovius, Nemetona, Moritasgus, Mullo, Naria, Robor, Sequana, Souconna, Smertrios, Telo
Gallia Cisalpina
Gallia Narbonensis
Artaius, Buxenus, Catubodua, Lero et Lerina, Nemausus, Rudianos
Germania Inferior
Aufaniae, Gebrinius, Nehalennia
Bandua, Endovelicus, Nabia, Reue
Further Study
Brennius king of Northumberland and Allobroges