In Profile : The Fabian Society

Red Flag of the Fabian Society










9 November 2015

For most people in the Western world, the term Fabian brings forth thoughts of social responsibility for the people by the people. The Fabian ideology is the Trojan Horse from which the Committee of 300  families, have suckered the majority of working and middle class families in socialist platforms. By the actions, we see it to be an aspect of the ten headed monster heralding in the communist system and the shift to destroy all forms of self sufficiency, the ability to keep industry alive, and to legalise the destruction of the human race under eugenics doctrine. This will be achieved with your consent under contract to accept full responsibility for geoengineering birthed climate change. They are creating a super state to which all will be tethered, a state that they and their leaders will control.

Jeremy Corbyn is the new darling of the labour massive, a socialist who appears to be of the balanced kind, and yet, we must consider the fact that the Fabians love him. Watching Prime Ministers question time a couple of weeks ago I saw Corbyn, whilst mild mannered and calm in his speak Jeremy Corbyn did nothing other than herald into the British Houses of Parliament, United Nations directives.

So how far do Mr Corbyn’s Communist protocols actually go? To support the U.N ones leanings are to mass murder,  medical interventions, the administration of concentration camps also called refugee camps, in nations torn asunder by war carried out by another arm of the U.N, NATO. They gather displaced populations, medically segregate, vaccinate and then decide what part of the world they will be sent as a part of the Kalergi plan for the mass migration of third world peoples.

In this world there is a clear link between the Fabian Society and the road to a Soviet style communism, but we can also better understand the Fabians when we consider the involvement of Capitalism, they headquarter within the John Adam Street Gang complex at Adelphi House in London.

Controlled opposition is an essential requirement when one seeks to confound. Socialism V. Capitalism is a scam orchestrated by the same composers, it is two ends of the same wand, and the stage is conducted from Adelphi by the corporate crown, the City, known to insiders to be non other than the global network of the Khazarian Mafia. The Fabian Society set up the London School of Economics from within the John Adam Street web, and just for a little insight, one of my favourite bands, the Rolling Stones, were funded into existence by the LSE.

Adelphi: LSE (London School of Economics) Fabian, begins life at Adelphi

London School of Economics is very big in the new chosen empire China : Adam House: Agora Projects in China

There is a more interesting aspect to this tale that is going live as I write, Labour, as a political party has a real and dangerous battle going on for its soul, as the Jewish arm battles the new incumbent force Islam for the power to move it against the British people. Study

On this page we will briefly summarise a fantastic book written by John D. Christian, first published in New Zealand in 2009.

Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

In Rome he (Porphyry) was widely known as a leading bitter opponent of Christianity and defender of Greek/Roman paganism. It is not just a coincidence that his book, Philosophy from Oracles was written and published just before the persecutions were initiated by Diocletian and Galerius. In fact, it set the basis for them. Of his work, Adversus Christianos (Against the Christians) in fifteen books, only fragments remain. In these writings he is famously quoted as saying, The gods have proclaimed Christ to have been most pious, but the Christians are a confused and vicious sect. Porphyry was, like Pythagoras, a green radical advocate of vegetarianism on spiritual and ethical grounds. He and Pythagoras are the most famous radical vegetarians of classical antiquity.

Porphyry wrote, De Abstinentia (On Abstinence) and De Non Necandis ad Epulandum Animantibus (On the Impropriety of Killing Living Beings for Food), advocating the philosophy against the consumption of animal meat, and he is widely cited with approval in vegetarian literature up to the present day. Indeed, even here in New Zealand where this author resides, the main vegan group in the country based in Christchurch calls itself Porphyry’s People. On their web-site, they describe themselves as promoting veganism to further ethical, health and ecological goals and include a quote from Fabian, George Bernard Shaw. Not only was Shaw a vegetarian on spiritual grounds, he was a founding member of the socialist Fabian Society and the one who created the society’s coat of arms a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Another well known occult associate of his at the Fabian Society, and Freemason, Annie Besant, was also a vegetarian.

In the foreword to the second edition of his book published in 2000 Gore said, None of our measures will fully succeed unless we achieve population stabilisation one of the most important environmental challenges of all. An overcrowded world is inevitably a polluted one This statement he borrowed from Prince Philip, who wrote the foreword to the book, People as Animals. Prince Philip has always aligned himself with the beliefs of British Fabian Socialists like Lord Bertrand Russell who defined the world’s alleged over-population as the greatest threat to the ruling oligarchy of all. Among Prince Philip’s closest collaborators was Sir Julian Huxley, president of the Eugenics Society, who unlike Hitler, tried to promote his mass genocide and antihuman ideologies through conservation, that he brought to the UN in his role as the first head of the United Nations Education, Social, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). As a result of Al Gore’s admiration of Prince Charles green policies, on 28 January 2007, he and actress Meryl Streep presented the Prince with the Global Environmental Citizen Award from Harvard.

The two Miliband brothers are big on Fabian agendas :

Ed Miliband
In his 2011 speech to the Fabian Society, Ed Miliband declared : The prize is not simply a Labour government but more than that. It is about a political movement that in every community up and down this country can shape the politics of the future. Make our values and our ideas the common sense of our age. And shape a country and a world based on our ideals. Full Speech

The dark half of the duo :

David Miliband
The former Labour Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in the British Government, David Miliband, has worked closely with Prince Charles pushing his green policies through the British government’s foreign affairs department. David’s parents were both Polish Jews who moved to England during and after the Second World War. His father, Adolphe, changed his name to Ralph after moving to London during the war and in the summer of 1940, he visited Karl Marx’s grave in Highgate Cemetery where he swore an oath to him. Inspired by the writings of the Marxist Jew, Harold Laski, Miliband successfully applied to work with Laski at the Fabian Society’s London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 1941. In 1949 he became Assistant Lecturer in Political Science at the LSE where he remained until 1972. By this time he had become one of the world’s leading Marxist/Fabian socialist thinkers. During the 1980s he and others were involved in various Chesterfield Socialist Conferences out of which emerged the independent green-left magazine, Red Pepper (1994). Today Ralph Miliband is remembered at the LSE each year through the Ralph Miliband Programme Lectures, and every three years there is a Miliband Scholarship in Political Sociology offered.

The Miliband Programme Lectures for 2007-2008 were entitled, Oil, Energy Security and Global Order Series. Lecturers for this series were; Lord John Browne former chief executive of BP, Professor Michael Klare the Five Colleges professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College and author of Blood and Oil, the Zionist , Professor Nicholas Stern professor of economics and director of the Asia Research Centre at LSE and former chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank from 2000 2003, and lastly the Rt. Hon. David Miliband himself. The LSE is the global operation nerve centre and think-tank of the Fabian Society, which since it was formed has directly controlled the policies of the British, Australian and New Zealand Labour parties, and indirectly just about every major socialist government in the world. Fabians were also responsible for introducing Communism to Russia and China.

Many of Prince Charles socialist, environmental green policies introduced at a government level have come directly through the LSE. Although Ralph Miliband died in 1994, his son, David, is now following closely in his father’s footsteps. Stalin’s Five Year Plan to destroy farmers and agriculture. Contrary to most Socialist’s deceptive claims that their ideology is only just a political one rather than a spiritual one, socialism is, in fact, a pagan religion, based on the worship of the same old Babylonian/Egyptian/Greco/Roman sun god and mother earth goddess deities.

Fabian Socialism, Communism, Marxism and Fascism, are all birds of the same feather. They all worship the same deities, have the same socialist beliefs, the same goals, but have different ways in getting there. Of all types of socialism, Fabian Socialism is by far the most insidious of all. Fabian Socialism is a subtle mixture of both communism and fascism, but unlike communism and fascism, which are directly confrontational and revolutionary, Fabianism deceptively aims to achieve the same objectives gradually through consensus with the will of the people, and use force only as a last resort.
Because of this gradual approach it is much more insidious as it is often difficult to recognise in it’s early stages

Both Karl Marx and Hitler were themselves great students of Plato. Not only is Prince Charles a great student of Plato, he believes himself to be that Philosopher King.

The United Nations Organisation is founded along the same lines of Plato’s socialist teachings. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were vegetarians, sun god and mother earth goddess worshippers, environmentalists and tree huggers by faith. The numbers of famous Fabian Socialists who have been or are vegetarians is outstanding. The Fabian Society was founded in London in 1884 by Neo-Platonists and Christian Socialists. Karl Marx’s daughter Eleanor was one of the early members. Over the past 120 years, Fabian Society members have been almost singularly responsible for creating Communism in Soviet Russia and Communist China, Fascism in Italy and Germany, and socialism generally throughout the world. The Society’s chief training school is the London School of Economics and Political Science. Fabians were involved in setting up the League of Nations, the United Nations and the EU.

British Fabians were responsible for crafting Stalin’s devilish two Five-Year Plans in the Soviet Union which murdered millions and destroyed farming and agriculture. The draft of the plan was published in a book entitled All These Things by a New Zealand author and journalist, A. N. Field. The book was first published in 1936 by Omni Publications in the United States (and censored in New Zealand).. During the famine, George Bernard Shaw, one of the leading founders of the British Fabian Society in London and the man who designed the society’s coat of arms a wolf in sheep’s clothing along with a group of British socialists, visited the Soviet Union and were given a five-day tour of the Ukraine visiting a model collective farm. He returned to Britain with a favourable impression and declared there was no famine! This is the fruit of socialism: starvation, death and madness.

Today, led by the British aristocracy, members of the Fabian Society and London School of Economics, it is not the Marxist Five Year Plan, military thugs and secret police of Stalin that farmers have to worry about. It is now the British Fabian fascist policies of City of London Corporation multi-national corporations and banks (that are now wealthier than many countries) in collusion with the UN, that are monopolising farming and food distribution on a global scale, that are disenfranchising the small, private middle-class farmers out of their livelihood and driving them off they’re properties While it is true that all socialism be it Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Christian Socialism or Fabian Socialism, are all the same, in that they are all based around the worship of the pagan sun god and mother earth goddess, Prince Charles particular version of socialism is more a merger of neo-Nazi fascism (with the fascist state leader working with big business and corporations) and Fabian Socialism (where the state leader introduces his socialist policies gradually, rather than by direct revolution or confrontation like Marxism).

The Book In Full : The Green Man

030. Adelphi: LSE set up there by Fabian. Some history of this in ‘AntiChrist and The Green Prince’ by John Adam St Gang: Crown Control

Big Players :
Gordon Brown
Tony Blair
Harold Wilson
Tony Benn
Richard Crossman
Anthony Crosland
Clement Attlee
Harold Laski
G.D.H. Cole
Bertrand Russell
Emmeline Pankhurst
Sidney Olivier
Hubert Bland
Graham Wallas
Beatrice Webb
H.G. Wells
Edward Pease
Havelock Ellis
John Davidson
Edward Carpenter
Julia Gillard (Australian Prime Minister)   
Further Study
In Profile : György Lukács and the Frankfurt School
Fabian Women’s Network Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Fabian Society
List of Fabian Socialists Australia
Manchester Fabian Fabians
The Ovi Team
Fabian Society Membership
British Fabian Society Dynastic Banking Families In The City Of London Financed The Communist Takeover Of Russia
Fabian Society
The Real Threat of the United Nations