The pineal gland, electromagnetic fields, ELF and chemistry

Pinal Gland Third Eye Vortex











If you take the time to seek the truth to much of the imagery and symbolism found in historical lore and religion, you find the pine cone as a constant symbol to be found. We can therefore deduce that the pine cone, as a symbol, is communicating a very old and important truth. What the pine cone represents in much of the occult literature found within the mysteries, is the target organ for the intent of projecting a will onto the mass of life, in the filtering of the perceived experience of the target group, so that all they’re attempts in the comprehension of what you offer, is carried out within a paradigm you also control. The Hegelian Dialectic is that paradigm.

This is the arena in which the game called religion or priesthood operate, and is based entirely upon the paradigm given in the understanding of the Deity the target group are given, so it can be followed according to how you have determined the deity to be.

As a system it is neither good nor bad, the intent behind the system at any given time however, is the story one needs to grasp.

Until the 1970s the pineal gland was widely viewed in western science as a vestigial entity, but from the expanding research in the arena of the pineal gland today, we find the informed view of the cone reveals it to be an important neuroendocrine gland involved in thermoregulation, immune response, and the mediation of various cycles including : circadian rhythms involving the regulation of sleep, seasonal rhythms affecting patterns of reproduction and physiological adaptations to the environment, and cycles of growth and development during the lifespan such as sexual maturation.

The pineal gland is also important in its influence on the other endocrine glands and should be viewed as a regulator of regulators.[1] It is also believed that pineal functioning may play an important role in conditions deemed as mental illness, including : schizophrenia and connected disorders.

In another area of research of pineal capabilities the conclusions move to the gland functioning as a transducer of environmental energies such as electromagnetic fields, a subject we need to understand if we are to grasp the reason the world is being swamped by technologies that exist in that arena, technologies such as the mobile telephone, the TETRA masts and system, Wi-fi and perhaps the least understood, the potential for the wind turbines to alter the Extremely Low Frequency range attributed to their motion.

The idea of electromagnetic fields and the pineal was offered to science in 1988 :
After years of disregard, the pineal has once again taken its place in mainstream biology and medicine. It is an organ of particular fascination in that it serves as an interface between the environment and the body [2] Other sources of interest in this field can be taken from an array of reviews from the 1970s through to the 1980s.[3]

I have heard it said over the decades that eastern mysticism and western science are proving the existence of the other, in the case of understanding the pineal then such a possibility is not immune from this investigation.

endocrine-systemAn in depth understanding of the pineal is not a recent discovery at least from the perspective of the elites, the Church of Rome itself symbolises the importance of the pineal gland in its heraldry using the pine cone. Not only that, but we also find the coat of arms of the Pope bear the cone and the keys to its function,[4] so the idea east and west are only just coming together in a uniform esoteric dictionary, would be to draw an incorrect conclusion.

The pineal gland has been viewed historically as a sphincter to control the flow of thought, as the seat of the soul as a third eye and depicted more recently as a neuroendocrine transducer organ which now promises to portray more complex physiological functions than originally believed, and forecasts to reveal more extensive implications in pathological processes than once deemed possible.

Future investigations should be directed toward comprehension of the functions of numerous neglected neurotransmitters and biological substances found in the pineal gland. The results of these investigations may bring forth multifunctional significance for [the] pineal gland not only in temporal arrangement of various reproductive events in mammals, in rhythmical thermoregulatory process in some ectotherms, and in nightly pallor response in amphibians, but also in major arenas of human suffering such as seizure disorders, sleep disorders, and behavioural abnormalities.[5]

The Greeks knew of the importance of the pineal gland and the interaction and connection to what we call the heavens, or more correctly, they understood its role outside the frequency range the five senses translate.

Pineal-GlandThe ancient Greeks considered the pineal to be the seat of the soul, a concept extended by Descartes, who philosophically suggested that this unpaired cerebral structure would serve as an ideal point from which the soul could exercise its somatic functions. Descartes thus attributed to the pineal a prominent function in uniting the immortal soul with the body. Being influenced by this thesis, many 17th and 18th century physicians associated the pineal causally with madness a link that has been uncannily prophetic for the present day situation.[6]

Removing the strongman, the spiritual battle

It is a mimic it is Locki.
Constantine removed the self empowering doctrines of direct communion with the heavens, yet kept such doctrines for the elect. This can be seen in his continued service to the pagan gods, especially Apollo, showing what he and his cohorts were really up to in the formation of an intermediary between the heavens and man with an institution they controlled. In this manner the elect, having formed and holding command over the intermediary Church, controlled all who gave up their own sovereignty. This control of man’s vision of the universe is symbolised in the pine cone, the pineal gland, which the elites censor for consumption by the masses. They hold the keys because they built the prison.

In this manner they have captured the law away from God and unto themselves, therefore the will of the Church is the will of God and the will of God is today deemed self will, a great trap I am sure you will agree. Futurism has been the key to the success of the intermediary, and that would appear to be a Jesuit creation.

The new religion is Gia, the environment doctrine, which means today we are witnessing the birth of a new religion which will incorporate the global population through the implementation of fear over the earth in relation to the consequences of geoengineering and de-forestation of the world by the huge corporate interests controlled by the Zionist bankers. The call to this new religion is the fear of the death of the earth, removing God and the heavens completely out of the loop as the Legal Person claims dominion over the earth. Islam is being used to drive the new inquisition as deals done with the Saudis who are of course Sabbateans, demand the Sharia law be implemented. It needs to be recognised that under Islamic Law, when Sharia has been implemented in a nation, those who failed to convert before it is implemented become the booty of war. Men have an arm or leg chopped off and the rest become slaves to those who operated the Jihad. This is the promise given to all the unruly immigrants flooding Europe.

I believe that the new religion may come out of the Russian Zionised Orthodox Church.

The church is not the doctrine if it moves contrary to the doctrine, and because they control or limit the function of mans pineal gland through following of its command, supports the idea that the greatest limiter to man’s connection to the whole cosmos would be those governing the pineal gland. But more important would be to reveal those behind the religions who today would not be seen as from any of the religions born of the Hebrew Tradition. Let us not forget it was the Sufis of Babylon that formed Rome and I see no shift in that position of authority.

pineal and egyptMonotheistic religion as we experience it today began in Egypt under the pharaoh Akhenaten, perhaps in an attempt to free the spirit from the slavery to all the gods from Sumeria. In focusing on one deity, understanding heaven would be an easier event without the need to satisfy a plethora of spirits to help man remember his source and the covenant between the heavens and man.  

The other side to that position is that the system we suffer today was implemented after the death of Akhenaten and is based in a six principled mechanic.

At the time just before Jesus It was a tussle between the priesthood of the Ram, Aries, and the next age that was Pisces, the Fish, this we can we see in so much historical symbolism. It was also a battle between the Hebrew and the Hellenistic Greek so they chose to form a new program which to the masses would bring change to mould the Hellenistic and the Hebrew into one system of belief, and therefore bring Europe together from the spiritual standpoint, yet for those that rule, the same knowledge would be carried forth into the new age hidden in the new symbolism. A sort of Russian doll effect. Hillel the Babylonian played a major part in this role and should be given his true title as the one that came before the Christ. It is all about how we see the deity we position upon high which then becomes the format for the physical system we would then build around that deity.

The symbolism of the eye and the Ankh (Tesla’s 639) are synonymous with the pineal gland and its importance to spiritual or multi-dimensional connection. Akhenaten presented this idea in the Aten issuing forth Ankhs to the royal elite, thus symbolising the heavens as source for the actions of the pharaoh.

With the success of the church in the affairs of the masses it became the main battleground for the many competing Houses of wealth, history shows this well in the occasional outburst of outright evil from the Vatican such as the crusades and the inquisition as the warriors took charge, but with the doctrine ever present in the background, the Vatican would appear to turn full circle again and promote the right kind of theology for a time also, so any man made institution is a double edged sword. If the doctrine is upheld, the story rings true, if it is ignored, then penalties become reality.

But as the doctrine was changed over the centuries so too the foundation of the church and as the years rolled on the Vatican institution fell so far off the doctrine, that Vatican II made it through the mists of Catholicism to perhaps as the Protestants claim today, it has become the vehicle for the anti-life system they are pushing around the world, with the United Nations now in full control of the corporate legal system as it unleashes and enforces, its billions of statutes over the sovereignty of all nations. The United Nations is the Bankers world government for bankrupt governments. Therefore to remove ones nation from the yoke of the banks would need only that we fold the bankrupt governments and go back the realm of each respective nation, all debts and contracts are therefore off.

The centre of this would be the Bank of International Settlements.

Dark Paganism could be said to be the worship of the masters of earth, the fallen ones, whom through blood rite ritual are brought forth into this dimension. Creatures or the ancestral spirits of the great game, now deceased, the Agrigore of the idea, are called in by men who desire wealth and power, ergo the man becomes a golem and an open door to the entities that exist outside this physical dimension of time, as such they honour the lower kingdom and replicate the ethos of survival of the fittest, the consequence of this fall shuts off the pineal from accessing the higher frequencies and the poor creature can know nothing else. This is the Art of Black Magik.

A clear cut case of ones own thoughts and behaviour determining the manifestation of your physical life, but of course there are rules. Today as we experience the convergence of two dimensions we can witness this manifestation of our thoughts speeding up, or we can see clearly that we as a being, create our realities via our past and current actions which is always manifesting our future, and it is getting quicker at bringing the results. So I must offer caution in relation to the dissolution of our religious foundation, yes the institutions are corrupted, but we must consider the long term effects for our children should we throw the baby out with the bathwater.The mimic is always based within the true, but is full of traps for the desires of men to take them off the journey.

AspartameThe pineal is a small, cone shaped gland attached to the posterior ceiling of the third ventricle of the brain, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid. Its location in the centre of the brain, combined with its unique proclivity to calcify, make it a valuable landmark for neuroradiologists.

The sugar replacement Aspartame is said by various studies to calcify the pineal gland with detrimental effects. There is also concern as to the technological manipulation of electromagnetic fields which again can affect the pineal, we want answers to the same agenda being carried out through the chemistry placed in all processed food and drinks, specifically aimed at children. We need to understand why the same corporations pushing Aspartame are also the corporations claiming concern for your children’s health by forcing vaccinations.

Halides are chemical substances such as Fluoride, Chlorine and Bromide. All have similar effects on the pineal gland. In the U.K today all water supplied by the privatised utility companies serve chlorine as an absolute chemical component of consumed H20.

So why chemistry?
Knowledge of the pineal and its secretion of fluids is also nothing new, in fact the foundation of the Christian doctrine is based on this knowledge symbolised in the Suns journey through the seasons as it battles with the darkness, a direct acknowledgement that Christianity is based entirely on the knowledge of pineal chemical secretions, and interaction with the heavens, which in turn determine the amount and quality of light from the Sun that it receives. The dark force interceding in this process is the Sun behind the Sun, Sirius. The Priory de Sion are the masters of this doctrine.

In the recognition that the pineal is an active endocrine gland by science today, a recent acknowledgement at that, they claim is due to the fact that the highly sensitive bioassays required to detect pineal secretions are a recent advancement, yet given the research into electromagnetic fields has been a physical reality since Tesla, then I would suggest a cover-up in play to ensure the scientific community do not connect the technology and esoteric knowledge.

Melatonin is the most easily detected secretion from the pineal gland at least from the perspective of acknowledged capabilities, and has therefore received the most attention in allowed thesis available to the outer portico of the scientific community.

Melatonin and its relationship to dark and light
I am sure there is no one who would deny the fact, through the winter months in the northern hemisphere, we are more aware of our surroundings, both psychologically and from an intuitive perspective. As a being we are more aware of the here and now, we feel everything more acutely.
This is due to the increased production of melatonin in the pineal gland based entirely upon the amount of Sun light it receives during the short days of winter,[7] and is said to be because the pineal is photosensitive, derived from nerve impulses from the retina and may have a basis in the structure of the gland :

Furthermore, it is interesting to note that some of the pigmented cells were arranged in a rosette-like structure (Order of the Rose) reminiscent of developing retinal structures. When one considers these findings along with the electron microscopic observation it is reasonable to conclude that human pineal glands exhibit transient cellular features reminiscent of developing photoreceptor cells as shown in other mammals.[8]

The pineal has been labelled a photoneuroendocrine transducerĀ due to its photoperiodic influences on reproductive cycles, coat colour, coat growth and seasonal variations in behaviours of many mammals.[9]

Many other seasonal variations both physiological and pathological exist in humans and it will be of interest to consider their possible relationship to day-length and other seasonal synchronisers [10]

In a 1984 review the role of the pineal in thermoregulation was emphasised in the adaptiveĀ nature of the gland :

The key word to understanding the pineal organ probably is adaptation. That is, one can argue, with substantial justification, that the pineal organ participates in preparation for future conditions. While the literature relating pineal organs to thermoregulation is not nearly as large as that dealing with reproduction, or rhythmycity, it is substantial and compelling.[11]

Electromagnetic fields and the pineal gland
In the pineal gland we really are talking about a serious piece of kit when it comes to the connection of life to spirit, for not only is the pineal sensitive to variations in environmental light, the pineal appears to be the point of sensitivity to the earth’s magnetic field and various electromagnetic influences.

This would include the telluric currents which have been utilised by the masters of earth since the ancient days, and perhaps the evidence for such comes in the form of the global pyramid grid, the Giza pyramids being the most infamous, but pyramids are to be found in all countries across the world.

There is ever increasing evidence that the magnetic irradiation of a strength equal or approximate to that of the geomagnetic field exerts a variety of behavioural and physiological effects on the pineal. Some studies focused on the pineal gland as the most feasible candidate for a mediator of magnetic irradiation on the organism. Such an approach is quite in keeping with the generally accepted concept that the pineal gland plays its physiological role through the modulation of the homeostatic and behavioural responses upon the changes in the living microambient.[12]

In that sense if the electromagnetic fields shift we shift. They are changing the tune of the dance.

ELF, wind turbines, ELF and the pineal gland
As it relates to those unsightly wind turbines forced onto our countryside costing us billions, we need to fully understand the implications of the production of ELF frequencies. If this technology is affecting the natural telluric grid (ley lines), in sync with the huge towers they are building across London removing the old architectural temple under the doctrine of Christianity, then this technology is the pyramid build of this age and for the same negative aims, to shut off man from the heavens in perpetuity, and have us all dance to a corporate tune.

This is very important when we consider the pineal is also said to serve as a somatic interface with other sources of environmental energy called extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic-field exposure. Wilson, Stevens and Anderson (1989) reviewed studies of ELF electromagnetic-field exposure in relation to health risks such as cancer, depression, and birth outcome (e.g., miscarriage, stillbirth).  Citing work from their laboratory and elsewhere which shows that ELF field exposure alters the normal circadian rhythm of melatonin synthesis and release in the pineal gland, the authors present evidence which suggest pineal susceptibility to such sources :

Whether directly affected or not, the pineal is a convenient locus for monitoring dyschronogenic effects of these fields. It appears ever more plausible, however, that the pineal may also play a central role in the biological response to this environmental factor.[13]

The important psychopathological implication here is that the pineal system is quite vulnerable to somatic insult, particularly along the spinal column and the neck area. As such we are now aware of yet another secretive means of pineal manipulation from the eastern martial arts techniques, an industry expanding all the time throughout the West. So sly is this manner of control we have to consider our reactions to life after visiting osteopaths and as members of martial combat groups.[14]

Interactive chemicals and the pineal gland
When we consider the introduction of LSD during the 1950s and 60s along with amphetamine, then consider the connection to the rise of the sub culture of the bad boy over the sportsman, we can conclude with certainty that the chemistry affected the pineal gland of those hapless hippies enough to make manifest the counter culture of the fifties beat generation as the script those on LSD in the 60s would act. But I believe it began a lot earlier than understood.

Such a possibility is not surprising when we consider the following :

Structural similarities between melatonin and agents of known hallucinogenic potency (i.e., harmine, bufotenine, and psilocybin) has led to speculation about a possible connection between this pineal hormone and schizophrenia (Arendt, 1988).

Psychotomimetic agents (lysergide, dimethyltryptamine, mescaline, and harmaline) induce HIOMT, a methylating enzyme, which increases melatonin production in the pineal (Klein & Rowe, 1970; Hartley & Smith, 1973).

Furthermore, agents which produce symptoms closely resembling schizophrenic psychosis (i.e., cocaine, L-dopa, and amphetamine) also increase melatonin production. Research into the assimilation of LSD in monkey brains reveal a propensity for LSD concentrations in the pineal and pituitary glands, these accumulations being 7-8 times those found in the cerebral cortex (Snyder & Reivich, 1966).

Winter et al., (1973) report that the pineal must be capable of functioning for hallucinogens to have behavioural effects. Although melatonin has direct biochemical effects on dopaminergic function (Wendel et al., 1974; Zisapel & Laudon, 1983; Bradbury et al., 1985) and haloperidol is highly concentrated by pineal tissue (Naylor & Olley, 1959).

I have often worried that the chemical intake of the western nations today may play a role in how we react to the switch on to the electromagnetic manipulation along with the ELF wind turbines in the future, but hallucinogenics are not the only chemistry of concern, lithium is one to start with :

Lithium has been shown to affect pineal functioning and may be linked to decreased photosensitivity, some researchers have speculated that some individuals diagnosed as bipolar may be suffering from circadian disorganisation (see review by Miles & Philbrick, 1988).

Fluoride in toothpastes and tap water. It’s another heavy duty poison. Avoid it at all costs. It calcifies the pineal tissue and basically shuts the gland down.

Food-some pesticides are pineal toxins. Organic healthy food with a high ratio of raw is supportive to pineal detox. Meat is not helpful either. Some people who channel seem to not be affected but for many the toxicity and density of meat will pose challenges and we want to make the work easy if we can.
Other toxins if something is toxic do not put it in your body. If you can’t say its name, is most likely bad. Toxins include artificial sweeteners (aspartame K) , refined sugar, phynolenanine (in squashes), E numbers beginning with 1, deodorants, cleaning chemicals, dental mouthwashes (saltwater will suffice) and air fresheners.

Monosodiumglutamate (MSG) – Manufactured glutamic acid (MSG) is not the same as naturally occurring amino acids. It is produced commercially in manufacturing and/or chemical plants, and/or by fermentation. Study

Raw chocolate. Raw cacao is a pineal gland stimulant / detoxifier in high doses because of the high antioxidant content.

Given so much is assigned to the pineal gland it stands to reason that many conditions, specifically within the realm of mental health, and the various conditions associated with ones state of mind, have a direct link to the gland itself, therefore we can expect a full industry of chemistry to ingest in order the gland and its functions can be affected.

There are many conditions linked to the pineal and just as many drugs to be prescribed. And when we consider the fact all anti-depressants effect the production of melatonin, then understanding what causes what, and when, is a minefield. Here are some scientific statements and scientific facts to help form the picture required to grasp the immensity of this hidden attack on the pineal gland of the populations :

The link between pineal dysfunction and suppressed immune response highlights another active area of pineal research. In particular, research has focused on melatonin and its relation to cancer. Depletion of melatonin by pinealectomy has been associated with proliferation of cancer cells (Rodin, 1963).
Loss or reduction of oncostatic melatonin in the circulation is only one of the several possible mechanisms for increased cancer risk resulting from pineal gland dysfunction.

Melatonin appears to have a stimulatory effect on immune function in the whole animal.  (Wilson, et al, 1989, p. 1323)

The mini-review of this topic provided by Wilson et al. is a concise discussion of pineal research and is highly recommended to readers interested in the pineal/immune interface. In recognition of the role of the pineal in current cancer research, Blask (1984) has referred to the pineal as an oncostatic gland and an entire conference was recently devoted to this subject (Gupta et al., 1988)
Pinealectomy has been implicated in the production of convulsive states (Philo & Reiter, 1978).  Furthermore, melatonin has been shown to suppress seizure activity in humans and other mammals (Fariello, et al., 1977).

Surgical removal of the pineal gland apparently produces rather uniform alterations in EEG activity and, under special circumstances (e.g., when rats are previously parathyroidectomised), severe seizures occur when the pineal gland is surgically extricated. Several other rodent species and certain strains of mice convulse after simple pinealectomy, i.e., loss of the parathyroid gland is not a prerequisite. The appearance of the convulsions suggests basic alterations in the biochemical and electrical activity of the CNS which are presumably due to the loss of some pineal constituent. (Reiter, 1977, p. 257)
The role of melatonin in brain excitability is an interesting example of the widespread explorations of pineal functioning and Albertson et al. (1981) have provided an excellent review, including results of their own research. Their paper is an excellent resource for those readers interested in the relationship between the pineal and epilepsy.

The neuroendocrine functions of the pineal affect a wide variety of glandular and nervous system processes.

Although experimental results suggested many years ago that the pineal may inhibit growth of the gonads, substantial progress in this field has occurred only in the last ten years, since the pineal began to be considered as one of the central regulating mechanisms in charge of pituitary control rather than as an endocrine gland only. (Moszkowska, Kordon & Ebels, 1971, p. 241) Evidence that the pineal gland exerts a regulatory influence on several endocrine functions is rapidly growing. (Motta, Schiaffini, Piva & Martini, 1971, p. 279)

The prevalence of sigma receptors in the pineal has been noted by Jansen, Dragunow & Faull (1990) and may be an important interface with several systems and pathologies :

The highest concentration of sigma receptors was seen in the pineal gland, an area which has not been previously studied. This is of interest as both sigma receptors and the pineal gland have recently been shown to play a role not only in the nervous system but also in the immune and endocrine systems Haloperidol and some other antipsychotic drugs bind sigma receptors, as do psychotomimetic benzomorphan opiates, suggesting that the receptor may be involved in psychosis. (Jansen, Dragunow & Faull, 1990, P. 158)

Research indicates that pineal involvement in mental health may go beyond psychosis. It is very likely that the pineal plays a significant role in the manifestation of several mental illnesses.
Currently, much interest is focused on the role that melatonin may play in various psychiatric disorders, and pineal research now represents one of the active areas of current psychiatry research. Present ideas suggest a positive involvement of melatonin in affective disorders, possible involvement in the schizophrenic psychosis, and potential involvement of this hormone in other psychiatric categories. (Miles & Philbrick, 1988, p. 405)

Reduced nocturnal melatonin secretion has been noted in depression (Wetterberg et al., 1979, 1981 & 1984) and schizophrenia (Ferrier et al., 1982). Brown et al. (1985) found that lowered nocturnal melatonin concentrations differentiated between melancholic patients and patients suffering from major depression without melancholia. The role of the pineal in depression may be related to neurotransmitters associated with depression.

In that various theories of depression have suggested reduced serotonergic and noradrenergic function, and both of these products are involved in the synthesis of melatonin as a precursor and neurotransmitter, it would not in fact be at all surprising to find low melatonin in depression. It is tempting to speculate that all anti-depressants increase melatonin production. (Arendt, 1988, p. 218-219)

Recognition that the pineal is photosensitive and plays a major role in the regulation of seasonal physiological adaptations has led to speculation that pineal dysfunction may be related to SAD (seasonal affective disorder). SAD is a recurring winter depression presenting with weight gain, hypersomnia and carbohydrate craving (Rosenthal et al., 1984). Phototherapy has been utilised in this and other forms of depression to ameliorate depressive symptoms (Kripke & Risch, 1986).

Persons suffering from bipolar have been shown to be supersensitive to the inhibiting effect of bright light on nocturnal melatonin secretion (Lewy et al., 1981). Research by Lewy et al. (1979) suggests that during mania (particularly during the early phase of mania) bipolar patients exhibit consistently elevated levels of melatonin throughout the day and night.

[1] Reiter, 1984, p. v
[2] Arendt, 1988, p. 205
[3] Wilson et al., 1989; Arendt, 1988; Ebels & Balemans, 1986; Miles & Philbrick, 1988; Mullen & Silman, 1977; and Reiter, 1984.
[4] Clozapine : a deadly gatekeeper
[5] (Ebadi, 1984, pp. 1 & 27)
[6] Miles & Philbrick, 1988, p. 409-410
[7] Melatonin secretion increases during sleep and decreases during waking hours (Axelrod, 1974; Arato, et al. 1985.)  Since light both entrains and suppresses melatonin secretion, melatonin has been called a darkness hormone (Arendt, 1988). Arginine vasotocin (AVT), another pineal secretion linked to sleep cycles, has been found to induce slow-wave sleep in cats (Pavel, Psatta & Goldstein, 1977) and a specific AVT antiserum markedly increases the number of REM (rapid eye movement or dream sleep) periods while decreasing REM latency (Pavel & Goldstein, 1981). However, the role of the pineal in the modulation of circadian rhythms such as sleep cycles cannot be considered as primary. Rather, it works in conjunction with other systems and has its basis in evolutionary processes. Among the vertebrates, two areas seem to have assumed major importance in the organisation of circadian systems the pineal organ and the SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus). The pineal organ of lower vertebrates is photosensory in nature and it may have been this, presumably ancient, function that caused the pineal organ to assume such a predominant role with circadian systems. Clearly, light is the preeminent entraining or synchronising stimulus for circadian systems, and the pineal organ may have been involved in the perception of LD (light-dark) cycles. (Underwood, 1984, pp. 245-246)
[8] Min, 1987, p. 728
[9] Arendt, 1988
[10] Arendt, 1988, p. 210
[11] Ralph, 1984, p. 193
[12]Milin, Bajic & Brakus, 1988, p. 1083
[13] Wilson, Stevens and Anderson, 1989 p. 1328
[14] Cranial Manipulation and the Bone Setters

Further Study
Clozapine, a deadly gatekeeper
Cranial Manipulation and the Bone Setters
In Profile : Wilhelm Wundt, psychological programming of children
The Lilly Wave and psychotronic warfare

How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland